Policy Document

Global Research Journal of Natural Science and Technology (GRJNST) is a multidisciplinary Natural Sciences research Journal. It aims to provide a peer-reviewed publication for researchers who wish to publish papers of interest to the scientific community. The journal publishes original articles in all areas of natural sciences and technology. Journal is accepting articles from the global scientific community working in the field of Natural Sciences.

Aim and Scope

Global Research Journal of Natural Science and Technology (GRJNST) Publishes innovative articles on all particular features of natural sciences and Technology, included but not limited to Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Zoology, Botany, Geology, Mathematics, Biotechnology, Food Science, Sustainable energy use, Soil and water sciences. The Journal is initially meant to provide a platform for international excellence peer-reviewed research in the appropriate field. Submission of a manuscript indicates that it is not concurrently deemed for publication elsewhere and that the authors have attained the necessary authority for publication.

Article Processing Charges (APC)

GRJNST is a peer-reviewed, open access journal. Authors have to pay article processing charges (APC).

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

(These guidelines are established on Elsevier recommendations and COPE's Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors)

GRJNST a peer-reviewed Global journal commended to maintaining the supreme standards of publication integrity. We maintain the subsequent principles of Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement to give our readers the best scope of research. If any violation of guidelines is discovered at any time even after the publication the articles will be confiscated and removed from the publication. GRJNST is reviewing all papers in a double-blind peer-review process. By the code of conduct, we will report any cases of presumed plagiarism or replicate publishing. GRJNST is outfitted with plagiarism spotting software to screen submitted papers.

Copyright & Licensing

GRJNST overtures authors to publish their research Open-Access. Articles are freely available to the broader public with permitted reuse. All articles published in Open Access will be instantaneously and perpetually free for everyone to read and download. GRJNST is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.



  • Guarantee an impartial double-blind peer-review of the submitted articles for publication.
  • They will endeavor to avoid any potential contradiction between the author and editorial and review personnel.
  • Editors will make sure that all the information associated with submitted manuscripts is stayed confidential before publishing.
  • Editor-in-Chief will synchronize the efforts of the editors and review personnel.


  • Appraise manuscripts founded without concern to ethnic origin, femininity or gender, sexual preference, citizenship, religious belief, or partisan philosophy of the authors.
  • They must confirm that all the information related to submitted manuscripts is stayed confidential and must inform the Editor-in-Chief if they are not mindful of charter infringement and plagiarism on the author’s side.
  • They ought to evaluate the submitted works accurately as well as represent their opinions on the works clearly in the assessment form.
  •  A reviewer who considers himself incompetent to evaluate the research reported in a manuscript should inform the Editor-in-Chief and excuse from the re-evaluation process.


  • Present an impartial discussion of the importance and consequences of research work along with appropriate detail and references to allow others to repeat the testings.
  • Misleading or intentionally erroneous statements constitute unethical behavior and are objectionable.
  • Review articles should also be unbiased, comprehensive, and accurate accounts of the state of the art.
  • The authors make sure that their work is entirely original performs, and if the work and/or words of others have been used, this has been suitably admitted.
  • Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is objectionable.
  • Submitting the identical manuscript to more than one journal simultaneously constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is objectionable.
  • Authors should not submit articles depicting fundamentally the same research to more than one journal.
  • The corresponding author must confirm that there is a full unanimity of all co-authors in accepting the final version of the paper and its submission for publication.

Editorial Process

GRJNST follows a systematic review and publication policy. It follows double blind peer review policy. The article is sent to two reviewers who are the experts in their respective field to review the paper in the light of journal’s guidelines and features of a quality research paper. If the reviewers suggest some changes, then the same suggestions will be forwarded to the authors to ensure the quality of articles and after that revised article will be accepted. Publication process is as follows:

  •  The submitted manuscript is acknowledged within 24 hours upon receipt.
  •  The manuscript/paper is sent to two reviewers without the name and affiliations of the author(s). The review process takes maximum two weeks.
  •  The review reports are collected from the reviewers and the executive editor will send the review reports to the authors including all terms and conditions of the publication.
  •  If the paper is accepted then the executive editor will send positive reply to the authors. If the paper is accepted subject to modification, the executive editor will send the review reports to the authors including a formal request to modify the paper by seven days as per the suggestions of the reviewers. The executive author will send the modified paper to the same reviewers of the said paper to justify the modifications. If the paper is again returned by the reviewers then the article is said to be finally rejected. The journal will not proceed with the said paper. However, in case of very minor changes, the editorial board may consider the paper for further modifications.
  •  The accepted paper is processed for publication (soft copy) upon the successful completion of the journal’s terms and conditions. The acceptance letter will be issued within five days after the acceptance of article.
  •  Proof Reading: Before publishing the processed article, the executive editor will send it to the author for final proof reading.
  •  The paper is published online first. The executive editor will notify the authors about online publication with necessary download link. The authors may request for any correction in published paper (in case of extremely important changes) within three days of online publication.
  •  The journal is published in print form within one week after the online publication.
  •  The executive editor will ask the authors of the published papers to send their correct and complete mailing address (with proper ZIP Code and postal code) by three days after print publication.
  •  The executive editor will send the hard copy of the journal to the authors within one month after print publication.

Open Access Policy

All articles and contributions are published in full open access in GRJNST. This journal serves as instantaneous open access to its particulars on the fact that provides free research content to the public that contributes to a greater extent of knowledge exchange worldwide.

All research articles published in the GRJNST are fully open access and immediately freely available to read, download and share. Articles are published under the terms of a Creative Commons license which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

The author(s) and copyright holder(s) grant(s) to all users a free, irrevocable, worldwide, perpetual right of access to, and a license to copy, use, distribute, transmit and display the work publicly and to make and distribute derivative works, in any digital medium for any responsible purpose, subject to proper attribution of authorship as well as well as the right to make small numbers of printed copies for their personal use.

A complete version of the work and all supplemental materials, including a copy of the permission as stated above, in a suitable standard electronic format is deposited immediately upon initial publication in at least one online repository that is supported by an academic institution, scholarly society, government agency, or other well-established organization that seeks to enable open access, unrestricted distribution, interoperability, and long-term archiving.


Open access is a property of individual works, not necessarily journals or publishers.

Community standards, rather than copyright law, will continue to provide the mechanism for enforcement of proper attribution and responsible use of the published work, as they do now.

Open articles are published under Creative Commons licenses. Authors publishing in the GRJNST can use the following Creative Commons licenses for their articles:

  1. Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY)
  2. Creative Commons Non-Commercial license (CC BY-NC)

Publication Fee and Submission Process

All research articles published in Journal of Emerging Finance and Social Sciences are fully open access and immediately freely available to read, download and share. Articles are published under the terms of a Creative Commons license which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. No university library or individual reader will ever need to  pay any pay-per-view fees to access articles of the journal. 

GRJNST is not funded by any University or Government grants. To bear the cost of Publishing Research manuscripts, website running, long time archiving, reviewing, copyediting etc, administration has decided APC (Article Processing Charges)/ Publication fee. Article Processing Charges (Rs. 15000 PKR Non-Refundable) and Publishing Charges Rs. 20000 PKR. (For Selected Articles after successful peer-review)

Plagiarism Policy

Global Research Journal of Natural Science and Technology (GRJNST)  strictly follows Plagiarism Policy as per guidelines of HEC. The Similarity Report on Tunitin should be below 20 percent:


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.